Nuova Zelanda, aggiornamento terremoto

1 Mar 2011 In: Varie

Riceviamo il 7° aggiornamento dal nostro corrispondente

EARTHQUAKE IN CHRISTCHURCH – 22 FEBRUARY 2011- Update #7 as at 1430hrs Tuesday 01 March 2011

It has now been a week since Christchurch’s devastating earthquake, rescue and recovery efforts continue in the CBD (Central Business District). The cordons are still in place and are expected to remain so for the immediate future while necessary inspections and clean-up takes place.

We’ve been in regular contact with the properties we use for Christchurch (those that are located in the CBD are for the most part inaccessible for the next 3-4 weeks and then subject to safety inspections). Hotels/Motels that are located to the west of the city and near the airport, appear to be unaffected by the quake and are operational, albeit with reduced availability due to occupancy by rescue and Civil Defence teams.

With this in mind, we are continuing with redirecting any clientele due to stay in Christchurch, up until the 15th of April. This date remains changeable subject to progress made to bring hotels back on-line for accommodation purposes. We will be in contact with you regarding any files that this applies to (if we have not already done so).

Our reasoning for redirecting clients is as follows:

  • Christchurch city is going to take some time to rebuild.
  • In order for hotels to open their doors infrastructure must be in place. Power, water, sewerage, transport etc.  Retail is going to take more time.
  • Christchurch hotels will be operational again within the next couple of months.  However there will be some that won’t be open until much later this year

The difficulty at present is that “Search and rescue” is still underway in the city and the cordon is still operating so no assessment is able to begin as yet.

Christchurch is a critical centre for itinerary planning.  It offers great options for internal and external flights and is the gateway for other destinations such as Blenheim, Kaikoura, Mt Cook and the West Coast.  We will be using team is to use Christchurch as an in/out location.  Where possible we will have clients arrive late and leave early and try an utilize airport accommodation. 

Please remember that Christchurch is the only area affected by the physical effects of the earthquake and that the rest of New Zealand remains very much open for business and keen to see your clients.

We urge you to check the Tourism New Zealand website which carries updates for clients:

We will send you further updates, only if there is more news or changes to access to the cordon area (which currently takes in the area within the square created by Bealey Ave, Fitzgerald Ave, Deans Ave and Moorhouse Avenue.)

We thank you for your patience and understanding, and please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.

  • Commenti disabilitati su Nuova Zelanda, aggiornamento terremoto

L’isola di Aitutaki accoglie il raffinato e suggestivo Pacific Resort, membro
dei “Small Luxury Hotels of the World”. L’atollo si distingue per la
spettacolare laguna dove si susseguono intense sfumature del turchese,
bianco e blu, interrotte da qualche affioramento di sabbia che sembra
galleggiare in perfetta sospensione tra il cielo ed il mare.
Il resort offre  27 bungalow, suite e ville, distribuiti nella proprietà,
ciascuno con una vista panoramica sulla laguna e sulla spiaggia .
Le dimore sono accessoriate da tutti i confort, di cui aria condizionata, Tv,
cassetta di sicurezza, minibar, asciugacapelli e ventilatore a pale.
Il ristorante Rapae propone specialità internazionali  miscelate alla
cucina tradizionale del Sud Pacifico. Il Black Rock Cafè si distingue
per gli aperitivi tropicali. Tra i servizi ed attività: Il Beauty Center, per
memorabili massaggi e trattamenti dagli intensi profumi del Pacifico,
piscina, sport acquatici, cene tradizionali polinesiane e possibilità di
organizzare escursioni nella laguna, immersioni e snorkeling.
Sono organizzate serate a tema di danze e canti dalle intense melodie dei
nativi del Sud Pacifico

CARAIBI, I migliori alberghi 2011

28 Feb 2011 In: Varie

Secondo la rivista on line Travel & Leasure i suoi lettori hanno scelto, per
l’anno 2011, i seguenti alberghi: 
ANGUILLA:    Cap Juluca   / Cuisin Art Resort
ANTIGUA:       Curtain Bluff Resort
BAHAMAS.       Only&Only Ocean Club
BARBADOS:      Sandy Lane
BERMUDA:       Reefs Hotel & Club / Tuckers Point Hotel
CAYMAN ISLAND: Ritz-Carlton Grand Cayman
GIAMAICA:    Round Hill Hotel /Couples Negril&Ocho Rios/Ritz-Carlton 
                    Jamaica Inn / Sandals  Whitehouse European village
NEVIS  :            Nisbet Plantation Beach Club
ST.BARTHS:    Eden Rock /Guanahami /Le Toiny /Isle De France
ST.LUCIA:        Sandals /Jade Mountain/Ladera Resort/Anse Chastanet
TURKS & CAICOS: Grace Bay Club / Parrot Cay / The Regent Palms

Una crociera in Polinesia significa immagini che rimarranno indelebili
nella mente dei visitatori. Provare per credere…
La flotta della Archipels Cruises, appartenente alla Dream Yacht Charter,
include 4 catamarani da 18 metri e 1 catamarano da 16 metri, composti
da 4 cabine ciascuno con servizi privati e con accurato servizio a bordo.
L’Archipels propone una selezione di 7 straordinari itinerari volti
all’esplorazione delle isole della Società e degli atolli delle Tuamotu,
per crociere da 4 a 11 giorni. I catamarani percorrono lagune dalle
sfumature turchesi, regalano paesaggi verdi dove la natura polinesiana
si esprime con la massima suggestione e consente di entrare in contatto
con la cultura locale.


CUBA, Un tour storico

25 Feb 2011 In: Cuba

Una Pennellata Cubana

4 giorni / 3 notti Partenze: Giovedì e Domenica
Havana / Viñales / Havana / Cayo Levisa / Soroa / Las Terrazas / Havana

1° Giorno
Riunione informativa. Percorso della città con la visita del Centro
Storico e delle principali piazze della capitale: Plaza de la Catedral,
Plaza de Armas, Plaza de San Francisco de Asís, Plaza Vieja.
Nel pomeriggio visita panoramica del Capitolio, del Parco Centrale,
del Parco della Fraternità, Piazza della Rivoluzionee il Museo del Ron
Havana Club. Ritorno all’Hotel e cena.

2° Giorno
Colazione. Partenza per la Valle di Viñales, nella provincia di Pinar
del Río, la più occidentale di Cuba, dove si coltiva il miglior tabacco
del mondo. Visita a una Fabbrica di Sigari. Percorso della Valle con
la visita al Murale della Preistoria. Visita OPZIONALE della Caverna
del Indio (5 cuc circa non incluso nel prezzo) e, in transito, della Casa
del Veguero, per conoscere le piantagioni di tabacco (nella stagione
della crescita delle piante) e la sua elaborazione. Visita al Belvedere
Mirador de los Jazmines. Sistemazione e cena in Hotel.

3° Giorno
Colazione. Partenza per Palma Rubia per prendere le imbarcazioni che
condurranno a Cayo Levisa, dove si potrà trascorrere un’indimenticabile
giornata di mare in un isolotto con la sabbia sottile e candida e bellissimi
fondali di coralli. Partenza per Soroa. Sistemazione e cena a Villa Soroa.

4° Giorno
Colazione. Visita della serra delle Orchidee, della cascata di Soroa,
la fabbrica di Sigari di Candelaria e continuazione del percorso verso
Las Terrazas. Visita alla comunità e come opzione salto in Canopy.
Visita alla Casa del Contadino. Visita alle vestigia del Cafetal Buenavista,
antica piantagione francese di caffè. Nel pomeriggio piacevole e fresco
bagno nel fiume San Juan. Ritorno all´Avana per estensione e
continuazione del viaggio a Varadero per i clienti che facciano estensione.

riceviamo e pubblichiamo dal nostro corrispondente


 Update #5 as at 1100hrs Thursday 24 February 2011

Overnight rescue efforts have continued and the emergency cordon for the central business district remains in place and is expected to remain so for up to 3 weeks.

After consultation with suppliers in Christchurch, we are now going to relocate all bookings for Christchurch up to 01 April 2011. Our consultants will work through this process over the next few days and will be in contact as soon as possible with suggested alternatives.

Factors that have influenced this decision are :

  1. Hotel operators are not expecting to be able to access their properties for another 2 to 3 weeks at which time they can evaluate damage and estimate another 2 to 3 weeks for clean up before they can even consider being operational.
  2. The city cordon is not expected to be lifted for at least 3 weeks.
  3. Due to the level of destruction in the city centre it is unknown what will happen with buildings – retail and restaurants etc and the time frames involved.



Please note that for ANY groups travelling through Christchurch to connect with flights we do not expect to be able to access the city centre for some considerable time. Any travel in that area will be at our discretion and only if appropriate and permissible.

Terremoto Nuoza Zelanda, update

23 Feb 2011 In: Nuova Zelanda, Varie

Information for travellers in the Christchurch area

Christchurch International Airport is open for domestic flights and international flights. Travellers are advised to go to for the latest information on international and domestic departures or to call their airline for flight details. Departing passengers should not go to the airport unless they have confirmation their flight is scheduled. It is providing free parking.

All South Island and New Zealand airports are open and operating. International travelers planning to visit New Zealand are advised that all regions outside of the Canterbury area remain operational. As a precaution, travelers are advised to check with their airline or travel agent before commencing travel.

Road status

Numerous bridges and roads are impassable due to flooding and structural or surface damage. All highways are open apart from the Lyttelton Tunnel and State Highway 74, which is closed at Anzac Bridge between Wainoni and New Brighton Road. There are reports of major damage to local roads in the city and liquefaction and surface flooding. There are also some road closures in the Selwyn District.

Coach Services

Intercity Coach Services are operational and will depart from the corner of Colombo St and Bealey Avenue in Christchurch.

Lyttleton Port status

The harbour is closed for at least 24 hours.


The Christchurch/Arthurs Pass/Greymouth and Greymouth/Arthurs Pass/Christchurch train services, The Christchurch/Kaikoura/Blenheim/Picton and Picton/Blenheim/Kaikoura/Christchurch train services have been cancelled until 01 March. 

Information for travellers with a trip planned to Christchurch

All South Island and New Zealand airports and open and operating.

International travelers planning to visit New Zealand are advised that all regions outside of the Canterbury area remain operational.

Pacific Destinationz are reworking itineraries to avoid the Christchurch area for at least the next 2 weeks, and we will continually reassess this going forward, dependent on the recovery effort.


Please note: Pacific Destinationz priority is ensuring  the safety and comfort of clients currently in Christchurch or visiting in the near future.  Please be aware that during this time we may not be able to adhere to our 24hr reply promise. 


We appreciate your understanding during this time and will endeavor to reply to all emails as soon as possible.

Information for family and friends of people travelling in the Christchurch region

People from outside of New Zealand should call +64 8 850 2199. If you are unable to contact a friend or relative in the Christchurch area Red Cross will be able to tell you if they have registered with Civil Defence. People are encouraged to do this before reporting friends and relatives missing.

Other useful contacts

Air New Zealand. From New Zealand 0800 737 000,

Jetstar. From New Zealand, 0800 800 995,

Qantas. From New Zealand, 0800 808 767,

Air Asia. From New Zealand, 0800 45 2566,

Air Pacific. From New Zealand, 0800 800 178,

Emirates. From Air New Zealand, 0508 364 728,

Pacific Blue. From New Zealand, 0800 670 000,

Singapore Airlines. From New Zealand, 0800 808 909,

 Next update

We will send you a revised update tomorrow morning New Zealand time Thursday 24 February 2011.

POLINESIA, Offerte speciali

23 Feb 2011 In: Polinesia Francese

         Offerta valida dal 1/4/2011 al 31/3/2012
Stai 4 notti e paghi 3+ Gratis American Breafast
Stai 5 notti  in Overwater Unit e ricevi, inoltre, 1 prima colazione in canoa
Stai 8 notti e paghi 6 + gratis  American Breakfast
N.B.. Ogni  notte in più colazione gratis .
        Offerta valida dal 1/4/2011 al 31/3/2012      
Per sistemazioni in Presidential Overwater Villa  mezza pensione gratis
fino a 4 adulti e 2 bambini (fino a 15 anni) .
L’albergo è in una isola privata a sud-ovest di Bora Bora forse il più
esclusivo della Polinesia con le sue 122 suite di cui 2 “Presidential”
posizionate  sulla laguna o in collina.
Per una vacanza per clienti “esigenti”

vedi offerte

MESSICO, Nuove crociere sul mercato

23 Feb 2011 In: Crociere

Messico, uno dei principali mercati per le crociere, intende aumentare la
propria presenza nazionale con un nuovo armatore: Ocean Star Cruises
che inizierà le proprie attività crocieristiche dal prossimo aprile con la
nave Ocean Star Pacific.
La nave , con capacità di 1500 passeggeri e battente bandiera panamense,
salperà dalla zona balneare di Acapulco e farà scalo nei porti di Manzanilli,
Ixtapa, Zihatanejo, Huatulco, Vallarta e Capo San Lucas.
Secondo quanto dichiarato dal direttore generale della società, Hency
Yaniz, l ‘armatore, in un secondo momento, organizzerà circuiti
internazionali nella zona dei Caraibi con partenze dalla Riviera Maya.
Questa operazione è partita con un fondo iniziale di 100 milioni di dollari
La Ocean Star Cruises stima di trasportare 400.000 turisti all’anno

Terremoto in Nuova Zelanda

22 Feb 2011 In: Nuova Zelanda, Varie

Riceviamo dal nostro corrispondente e pubblichiamo


Please be advised that Christchurch has experienced a significant earthquake today, Tuesday 22 February 2011, at 12.51pm.  It measured 6.3 on the Richter scale, and was situated 5km deep and centred 10km south east of Christchurch city. Since then there have been more aftershocks noted.

We are in the process of contacting all clients either in the area, or who are due to travel there in the next few days, to ensure that those in the city are safe and accounted for, and those that are due to travel to the city, have a suitable alternative plan in place.

We can advise you as follows:

  • currently Christchurch Airport is closed while runways and buildings are assessed
  • Budget Rental Car Depots in Christchurch City and Airport are not operational until further notice
  • Power has been cut to 80% of the city
  • Central City is being evacuated
  • Millennium Christchurch, Copthorne Central and Copthorne Durham all evacuated,  at the time of publication no injuries to staff or guests
  • We have received reports in the media of some fatalities and injuries as a result of the quake
  • Tranz Scenic Trains will not be operating tomorrow (Wednesday 23 Feb 2011) and possibly not for a few days depending on safety checks
  • It seems a cordon is in place in the central city. At this point we are unsure the of the exact borders of it
  • Bottled water is recommended for drinking as water pipes have been damaged in the area


Civil Defence Damage assessment (1430hrs):

There is major damage in the Christchurch CBD, and there are a number of people with significant injuries.
A level 3 emergency has been declared. This is the highest level that can be declared for a regional emergency.  

Please be assured that Pacific Destinationz and its staff will be in close contact with your clients, and we will bring you further updates tomorrow morning.

We thank you for your understanding at this difficult time



